DataQs: Step by Step
Register or Log In
To get started, log in with your Portal or Login.gov account. First time using DataQs? Use the options at the top of the page to register. Not sure which account you have? Visit the Help Center for more information.
Submit or Follow Up on a Request for a Data Review (RDR)
After you have submitted your RDR, the system sends it to the appropriate office for review. If follow up is necessary, you will receive an email to update your request in My DataQs. You can add more information or documents at any time.
Check Your Email
FMCSA's goal is for RDRs to be opened and investigated within 10 days after they are received. Check your email periodically for FMCSA's decision to keep, correct, or remove the information in the system. You will receive an explanation for that decision.
Review Updated Information
FMCSA websites are updated at various times and; therefore, affect when you see changes based on your RDR. FMCSA's Portal and SAFER websites are updated daily, while SMS and PSP are updated monthly. If you have filed a petition, the Clearinghouse will be updated as soon as the result is